Loaba had its humble beginning on June 5, 1984, by its founder Loaba Murugan, a dedicated educationist who established Loaba English School at Bhurukhan Sahib Street, Eral. Since then, the school has flourished and continues to serve the student community with its mission of nurturing young minds under the auspices of Gramia Munnetra Sangam (GMS).
Our school embodies the values of secularity, social conscience, discipline, perseverance and continuous effort, which form the foundation of our educational philosophy. We are committed to provide quality education that prepares students for a successful future and global careers worldwide.
Rural Buds to Global Fruits
Empowering students from humble and rural upbringings for success in global careers worldwide.
“ Labour omnia vincit ”
Work conquers all
The devotion and involvement of staff need to be always appreciated. A good number of personnel purported to our mission of preparing our children to the nearest degree of our expectations. Our team of teaching staff and non-teaching staff play a pivotal role in making our children a self-disciplined citizen with dignity and self respect. Special interest is shown by our FOUNDER always to inculcate value education and boost the morale to function as a unified team.
Our importance lies in perseverance and continued effort to achieve the desired impact on teaching and pursuing methods to reduce stress in learning and ensuring increased learners’ participation throughout. At Loaba the care is given to inspire children for enhanced learning experience.
From the beginning we have gone through a good number of strides and we need to make further efforts to cope up with recent trends in the field and expectations. Considerable efforts are made to innovate and to modernise the existing infrastructure on a continuous basis.